This introductory assignment tasked us with modeling a simple cube with beveled edges, then placing it into UE4 and building a master material and material instances. Then "do something interesting" with the cubes in UE4.
Imported UE4 mannequin for scale alongside 182cm (6ft) cube and 10cm beveled cube.
Close-up of beveled cube.
Imported beveled cube in UE4.
Set up for the master material.
Scene pre-lighting.
Not enough light to pick up the metallic sheen on the dinosaurs while still giving the asteroid a nice dark shadow.
Final shot with the dramatic asteroid shadow. I ended up making the surface area a table as a fun way to play with scale.
This assignment was an introduction to animating in Maya. The goal was to move and manipulate a given object - a chair, a soccer ball, or a mailbox - around in Maya to create a simple animation.